Yellowbird East Community League softball is part of the South Edmonton Minor Softball League. We offer outdoor community softball for children ages 6-19 years of age, giving girls and boys an opportunity to enjoy softball while learning skills, sportsmanship and the fun of being part of a team. Teams are mixed gender from T- Ball to Squirt and separated into boys and girls teams for Pee Wee through Midget. Pitching style is slow pitch or windmill.
Softball season runs on set evenings from late April until the end of June, leading to a city championship tournament, followed by a provincial championship tournament. T-Ball and Coach Pitch leagues have seasons that are slightly shorter than the other leagues.
Registration for outdoor softball is held February to mid-March at various locations on Edmonton’s south side. In-person registration dates and details, including what to bring when you register, can be found here. You must be a community league member to register for community softball.
Uniforms and hats are provided for T-Ball, Coach Pitch and Mites. Running shoes and a ball glove are required. A team picture is included in the registration fee.
If you require more information, please email Michael Karpow, YECL Softball Representative at